Crucible/Fisheye AWS EC2 Instance Size

Marilynn Zayan
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December 21, 2021

What is the recommended instance type for a Crucible/Fisheye deployment on EC2?

Also, I would like to confirm that Crucible/Fisheye does not support clustering/scaling above 1 node.

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Marek Parfianowicz
Atlassian Team
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January 24, 2022

There is no single answer for this as it really depends on your requirements.

You have to answer yourself the following questions:

* how many repositories do I expect to index? - this will affect disk space and disk IO required
* how quickly new repositories will be added? - this will affect number of initial indexing threads and amount of RAM
* how frequently I need to check for new updates in repositories, how many commits are being pushed between checks, how large are they? - this will affect number of incremental indexing threads, amount of RAM and CPU speed

* how many users will be stored in a directory? how many active (licensed) users will be? how many concurrent users I expect? - this will affect CPU speed, database connection pool size, RAM requirements

I suggest to experiment, e.g. spin up a test instance and fill with some test data (real or synthetic).


The general advice I can give is:

* if you do not expect heavy load on the instance, the m5.xlarge with SSD disk might be sufficient and will not cost you too much

* if you expect heavy load and seek for maximum performance, consider c5.xlarge or bigger with high IOOPS SSD disk (e.g. io2)


For example, a few years ago we tested indexing of a Linux kernel code repository. It took about 2 weeks to complete on M4, while it finished in just 3 days on C4.

Having said this, I strongly encourage to run your own tests, as this will strongly depend on usage patterns.

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