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Creating Jira issues from Crucible defects

L. Schimmel March 24, 2015

I have read in the Crucible documentation, that it is possible to create a JIRA issue manually right after making a comment in Crucible.

But is it possible to create JIRA issues automaticly after classifying a defect as "major"?


Best regards,


Leonard Schimmel

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Piotr Swiecicki
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 24, 2015

I am afraid this is not offered out of the box.   To create a JIRA issue user would most likely want to specify the JIRA project, issue priority, perhaps affectedVersion and possibly few other fields.  This is why it makes more sense to keep the JIRA issue creation as a separate action.

Hope that helps, 

ahmed April 11, 2016

@Piotr Swiecicki

But is there a way to show the JIRA issue creation page when publishing a comment flagged as a defect. i.e make it a one step operation to show the JIRA issue creation page instead of two steps 

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