Connecting Fisheye to a remote Repository Location

FredericB June 9, 2014


I am trying to connect fisheye to a Mercurial remote repository, and get the error :

Unable to pull from remote repository: <DIRECTORY> - [abort: repository <DIRECTORY> not found!]

From the same PC, I can clone the remote repository (using tortoise with the same options) and once on a local directory, I can connect it with fisheye.

I have the correct right on the remote directory, the same Mercurial revision.

Any idea ?


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 10, 2014

Some ideas to consider/check and in no particular order:

  • does the fisheye runuser have correct access to clone/read from the repo?
  • have you tried running the same command exactly that fisheye is trying to run when cloning the repo
  • what have you put in place of the URL field in the FishEye configuration screen? Does this exist?
  • for the remote repo - is it protected by password or ssh ? If so, are all your credentials in place ? ie. you've generated a key/pair in fisheye and uploaded the public key to your mercurial server ?
  • what does the Test Connection reveal in FishEye
FredericB June 30, 2014

Updated to the latest version of Fisheye.

Issue came from the service Wrapper not using the configured user.

It now works.


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FredericB June 10, 2014


- The run user has the read right on the directory. Is tried with the service user set to my user also, without any success.
- The same command "C:\Mercurial\hg.exe --config ui.verbose=false clone --noupdate -r 0 \\fav19win\SRS\srs D:\FISHEYE_INST\var\tmp\hg_test_clone_1402469900574" run from the Windows console create the cloned version
- The URL field is set to \\fav19win\SRS\srs and this exists.
- There is no SSH authentification, the remote directory is read only.
- the test connection returns :

Error testing connection.
Non-zero exit code: 255
at com.atlassian.utils.process.PluggableProcessHandler.complete(
at com.atlassian.utils.process.ExternalProcessImpl.wrapUpProcess(
at com.atlassian.utils.process.ExternalProcessImpl.finish(
at com.atlassian.utils.process.ExternalProcessImpl.execute(
at com.atlassian.fisheye.dvcs.DvcsScmConfig.executeCommand(

Connection failed.

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