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Clearcase files

Will Wegener July 18, 2011

So I have fisheyes running on rhel, I can see my vob and I have branch selected.

How can I get fisheyes to display my files in the vob?

3 answers

1 vote
Martin Barrs November 17, 2011

Cleartool will allow you to see p/vobs without necessarily having the privileges to pull the files or history.

You will be able to see this by viewing the repo's progress - the cleartool commands will be completing very quickly.

If this is the case, the user you are running fisheye as will need to be made a member of the group that does have privileges to pull down the CC files: As root or sudo, update the user and add it to the appropriate CC group and try again.

0 votes
sangram sangram August 25, 2011
0 votes
Will Wegener July 19, 2011

Does anyone know how to setcs with in fisheyes?

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