Can we use Fish eye and crucible with Clear-case UCM?

Mohan Krishan November 9, 2014

Can we integrate Fish-eye and crucible with UCM clear-case for source insight and code reviews ? If yes , what is the procedure to achieve the same and what will be a sample workflow?

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Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 10, 2014

Hello Mohan,

ClearCase is not a supported repository type for FishEye/Crucible since 4 April 2012 .

You can either develop an SCM plugin by yourself with the help of our community who offer help for free or contact one of the Atlassian Experts who can develop an SCM plugin for you via paid services.

Kind regards,
Felipe Kraemer

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