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Can we download lines of code for each review in Crucible?

Yee Ven Koay March 28, 2018

I would like to measure the review effectiveness based on defect density for each project and repository for the software organisation. 

I can view the LOC information under Repository ->Report. But how can i download those information (Review coverage, code metrics)? 

I tried to check on API, can't find any relevant topic.


Please help


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Atlassian Team
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April 11, 2018

Hi Yee, 

If I understood your requirements correctly, I believe the functionality you want is not provided by Crucible at the moment. There is however a feature request for it in our public issue tracker: Provide Line Count information per review basis

Could you review the above request, and it if matches your requirements, vote for it, and add your comments so that developers know the specifics of your use case?

I also found a third-party app in our marketplace that may provide you with what you need: Flyover Reports for Crucible, but haven't tested it myself.

Hope this helps,


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