Can't see commits on Activity tab

Philippe Robichaud
November 12, 2013

For some repositories, I can see almost in real-time the commits that are executed by the team. For other repositories (with exact same parameters except the path to the right SVN folder), we only see the source files that have been indexed by Fisheye but can't see any commit in the Activity tab while tons were done through SVN. What are the possible reasons for this to happen?

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Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 13, 2013

Hi Phillippe,

This could be happening because:

  1. The user logged in FishEye is not associated with the groups permitted by the repository.
  2. The most recent commits might be huge (in terms of number of files, files sizes, etc) and FishEye is taking more than the usual time to index them.
  3. You might be using an older version of FishEye in which this major improvement request was still not implemented, and in this case you need to upgrade your instance.

These are the things I can think about at the moment.

Philippe Robichaud
November 13, 2013

Thanks Felipe. Here is a little bit more details on your assumptions:

  1. All logged-in users is checked in the Permissions for the repositories I was referring to.
  2. What can be done to accelerate the indexing engine? Can we restrict the initial indexing to a limited period of time in the past?
  3. We currently use FishEye and Crucible 3.0.2

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