As enterprise customers, most of you have probably reached the point where Jira has become an essential application to a critical mass of people at your company.
You might feel alone on this journey, asking yourself whether or not you’ve reached the top tiers of Jira usage across the world. You may find yourself wondering if anyone else has tried to scale users, issues, workflows, or any of the other dimensions of Jira to a massive degree.
But that can change with this group! For today's "Topic Tuesday", we're encouraging you to do just that - share some of your Jira stats with the enterprise community.
To provide some inspiration, and to help put your journey in context, we’ve collected key Jira statistics from some of our largest customers to create this infographic:
Regardless of whether you’re just starting out, on your way to scale, or topping the charts with the largest Jira instances out there, it’s important to consider how managing Jira as an enterprise application will set you and your teams up for success in the long run. If you have any tips to share, post them here too!
What is the hardware configuration for your instance?
I don't know what we started with (I'm assuming 20 users back in 2011), but we recently updated to 10000 software users and 250 service desk users. We have 206,300 issues but thousands of older projects/issues have been offline archived.
We are currently investigating moving from server to data center, but would also be interested in moving to cloud if only there wasn't as 2,000 user cap.
We run a Data Center instance with 2000 users and 250 JSD agents. We currently have 441,497 issues in 121 projects. Everything is super snappy!
In the last 5 years, we have grown our Jira instance from a couple of hundred uses to over 12,000 globally.
We currently have 1.48m issues across 1800 projects.
Understandably, we are now moving from server to data center.