Hello Group Members,
I am new to this group and have been using Atlassian's products for last 3+ years now.
Looking forward to learn and contribute more to the group.
Thanks @Teodora V _Fun Inc_!
@Milan Chheda [INFOSYSTA] Welcome aboard, can't wait to see your contributions.
Thanks @Brant Schroeder!
Welcome to the Enterprise Group
Thanks @Alexander Pappert!
Hi Milan, Welcome to the group
Thanks @Vinod Ramadoss !
Hello and Welcome, Milan!
Thanks @John Funk
Hi @Milan Chheda [INFOSYSTA] , great to have you in the group !
Hi @Milan Chheda [INFOSYSTA] welcome to the Group!
Welcome to the group @Milan Chheda [INFOSYSTA] !
Great to have you here @Milan Chheda [INFOSYSTA] welcome to the group!
Hello @Milan Chheda [INFOSYSTA] , Welcome to the Atlassian community