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How Atlassian cloud achieves enterprise-grade security and compliance

At Atlassian, we are fully committed to helping our customers enjoy all the benefits of scaling in the cloud while meeting the highest bar for security and data privacy. We are excited to share our latest whitepaper that explains our five-pronged approach to achieving enterprise-grade security and compliance for Atlassian cloud products. You will learn how we

  • Secure our cloud architecture with a ZeroTrust approach
  • Enable end-to-end data security with residency and encryption controls
  • Continuously invest in complying with global data privacy requirements
  • Offer built-in identity and access management tools for enterprise admins
  • Proactively monitor and prevent threats


Download the whitepaper today!

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Hakeem Olasupo
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November 19, 2021

Thanks for sharing this @Aditya Ghule 

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