Is Jira Software Data Center (on-prem) vulnerable to CVE-2019-17571 ?

jy February 20, 2022

Based on

The following products use the Atlassian-maintained fork of Log4j 1.2.17:

Jira Software and Data Center


How does it mitigate and resolve against this critical vulnerability which affect log4j1.2.17?


Does Atlassian not intend to upgrade their log4j to 2.17.0 or 2.17.1?



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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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February 21, 2022

Hi @jy ,

in order to mitigate that security issue you should disable JMSAppender as specified in the linked article.

Btw, Atlassian says that they forked log4j 1.2.17 (in 1.2.17-atlassian-3) in order to delete the code affected. Therefore, JIRA is not vulnerable to CVE-2019-17571.

Please take a look to the following issue

Hope this helps,


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