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Scheduling jobs in a Jira Data center plugin like it's 2024...

Marty Henderson March 22, 2024

Ever wondered how to create scheduled jobs in your Jira Data Center plugin? 

Well, here's a guide I put together on how to get it done with explanations of the various steps

I've always found that area of the code a bit tricky to understand, so I thought I'd share my experiences in how to get it working in a way that makes sense. (For me, anyways...)

Hopefully this will help some of you DC app developers get started and navigate this tricky area.


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Julia Janky July 17, 2024

Hello Marty Henderson,

thank you for this tutorial!

Could you provide an example of configuring the job in the atlassian-plugin.xml file?

Kind regards

Julia Janky


Marty Henderson September 15, 2024

Hey Julia. So the point is to not set it in the atlassian-plugin.xml. It's handled by the spring wiring. In my example, this is handled in the JobScheduler class.

You can see an example

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