Unable to install crowd service in windows.

Amar December 17, 2019

Hi All,

We are installing crowd 3.4.0 on windows server along with JIRA.

We are able to install crowd with  and run as tomcat service how ever we are unable to install crowd as windows service These and we are getting below error:

1. Tomcat8.exe file was not found.

2. Catalina_home environment variable is not define correctly.

My settings are as below.

- JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME are added in system variables.

-Running 64bit JVM and 64 bit operating system so I didnt change tomcat.exe files(change  )

- as JIRA is also running didn't add Catalina_Home variable in system variable.


Please help to install crowd as windows service.





1 answer

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Marcin Kempa
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 18, 2019

Hi @Amar ,


I would be good if you could share more information from your logs? Or perhaps the whole process does not start?



Marcin Kempa

Amar December 20, 2019

@Marcin Kempa 

Thanks you for reply.

windows service process is not staring at all after following These gets below error :

1. Tomcat8.exe file was not found.

2. Catalina_home environment variable is not define correctly.

My question is :

Do we need to define separate Catalina_home path for crowd in setenv.bat file ?

I cant set Catalina_home as system path as we are having JIRA on same server.



Amar Ghag

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