Trouble integrating MS AD Active Directory and Crowd

ian alexander
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March 13, 2018

I’m having trouble with active directory integration. I was able to set up a directory in Crowd for AD/LDAP, but I can’t import, view or search for any users.When I try to import from AD I get this message: User encryption algorithms must match between directories

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Marcin Kempa
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 13, 2018

Hi @ian alexander

After configuring remote directory (Active Directory in your example) you should not need to do any kind of manually import as the synchronization should happen automatically so there is no need to do the import using the user import functionality.

The way search functionality works, it allows you to search over users that were synchronized from remote directory and are cached locally in the data base.

In the user search screen you need to provide the directory you would like to search users from, at the moment there is no possibility to search for users in Crowd across multiple directories at once.

Could you also test the connection in the directory configuration screen and verify if the baseDN as well as the LDAP filters match your remote directory structure? Do you have caching enabled for this directory?


I hope that this helps, let me know if you need more information.

Marcin Kempa

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