Remove users in delegathed group if removed in ldap

Francesc Arbo May 27, 2013

Hi all,

I have the LDAP sync with a group (called AD Group) in crowd. I manually sync this group with a delegathed one (called AD Delegathed Group).

One I restart Crowd AD is syncronized with the LDAP and the users removed from LDAP are removed in the AD Group. However, when I manually syncronize the AD Delegathed with the AD Group, users are not removed in the delegathed one because I don't enable the Overwrite Destination Directory option (I don't want to loose the assigned groups for each user).

Is there a way to automate the deletion of users in the AD Delegathed Group?

3 answers

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Francesc Arbo May 29, 2013

Hi Septa,

I upgraded crowd to version 2.6.2. However, the Incremental Synchronization is only possible to enable or disable in the Active Directory and not in the Delegathed directory.

0 votes
Francesc Arbo May 29, 2013

Hi Septa,

I guess you refer to 2.6 version. The fact is that I have the 2.3 version so the best would be upgrading it to 2.6.

Thanks in advance. I'll try it.

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Septa Cahyadiputra
Rising Star
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May 28, 2013

Hi Francesc,

On your directory configuration, under the "Connector" tab you should be able to see an option named "Incremental Synchronization". Please disabled it to automate user deletion in every syncrhonization process when the changes made in your AD.

This is actually a bug logged here:

Hope it helps.

Septa Cahyadiputra

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