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No connection betwee Crowd and Jira/Confluence/Fisheye after upgrade to 4.0

Ingo_Herbrich April 28, 2020


I've been upgrading Crowd from version 3.7.0 to version 4.0.0 in the same way I always did it on our Ubuntu server. 

After the upgrade was done Crowd booted without any errors. But when I opened crowd in the browser with the usual link the "Getting started" page showed up. After I clicked "Set up" I was redirected to the login page and I was able to log in as usual. Every group user and directory was there but the connection to Jira/Confluence/Fisheye wasn't working and I wasn't able to log in to theses systems. Is there any known bug or is there something special I have to do for upgrading to the next major version?


Thanks in advance,


Ingo Herbrich

1 answer

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Ingo_Herbrich April 28, 2020

This is an error message from the Jira server:

The following URL does not specify a valid Crowd User Management REST service: http://[IP]/rest/usermanagement/1/search?entity-type=user&start-index=0&max-results=-1&expand=user

Bruno Vincent
Rising Star
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April 28, 2020

Hi @Ingo_Herbrich 

Looks like the Crowd server URL configured in Jira/Confluence/Fisheye is wrong.

Since you get the "Getting started" page when trying to connect to Crowd from a browser, I suspect your Crowd server URL to be http://[IP]/crowd instead of http://[IP]

Ingo_Herbrich April 28, 2020

Hello @Bruno Vincent 

thanks for the response. You are right. I've changed the directory path in the  Jira Test Instance configuration from http://[IP]/  to http://[IP]/crowd and now the connection is working.

But I don't know why the this has changed. I've done serveral Crowd upgrades and this never happend. The Crowd URL configs from the Test Instance (4.0.0) look the same as the URL configs from the Productive Instance (3.7.0).  

Best Regards

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