Multiple SSO Domains

Joseph Yamada
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August 1, 2012

Crowd is stamping the Domain to the cookie for SSO against the configured SSO Domain


and I want to support SSO between multiple hosts within different domains.

I can stamp my own cookie within a different domain, but I want to use Crowd

directly to do so.

Is there anything you can suggest?

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Giuliano C_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 1, 2012

Hello Joseph

Thank you for contacting us!

Unfortunately, Crowd cannot perform such feature, but we have [this|] Feature Request open to allow users to perform this action.

Please vote on this issue and add it to your JIRA watch list for future updates.

Also, feel free to add any comments you think are necessary/important.

Is there anything I can do for you today? If there is, please let me know it.


Giuliano Tenedini

Atlassian Support

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