Log in to Crowd console -> Invalid login

Saxess Software GmbH April 26, 2018


when i want to login to crowd i get now an error invalid login. The last sucessful login was before some weeks and today i get unexpectedly this error. 
The used username(with adminrights) is located in crowd internal directory and is present in db-table cwd_user and active='T'. Also (crypted) credentials are stored.

The logfile in ApplicationData\Crowd\logs\atlassian-crowd.log gives me no further information about the login-failure.

Version is Crowd 3.1.2 

With a second internal account its the same.

What can i do?


Thanks in advance



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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 26, 2018

Hi Lars,

Do you have SSO enabled or was it perhaps enabled since the last login to the Crowd console? I ask because the symptoms you are describing fit this article: Can't Log Into Crowd SSO Due To Invalid Domain Property

Looking forward to hearing if Resetting the Domain Cookie Value helps.



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