JAMA Contour Crowd sync'ing issues

Jodie May 19, 2017

We are having issues with Crowd sync'ing groups to JAMA.  When we create a new user, the user sync's but the groups are not.  This was working a few weeks ago.  What could cause this issue?  Users can't login to JAMA unless we manually add them into groups in JAMA.   Ideas?  

Thanks in Advance

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 31, 2017

The way I read JAMA's docs, once you enable Crowd, all user management is done in Crowd so the groups from Crowd should sync over as you are expecting.

Please review the JAMA and Crowd setups from this link to see if the configuration is still set the way you had it when it was working:

Crowd Setup JAMA doc

I look forward to hearing what you find.


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