While looking into an issue regarding increased page load times I read about the crowd integration client and that its version on authenticating apps should match the one on crowd.
The latest client jar in our installation is
C:\Program Files\Atlassian\atlassian-crowd-3.7.0\client\crowd-integration-client-3.7.0.jar
On the bitbucket server there are multiple crowd-integration files, not exactly matching the naming or version
Confluence looks about the same but with even lower versions
14.03.2019 02:10 74'363 crowd-integration-api-2.10.4.jar
14.03.2019 02:10 43'877 crowd-integration-client-common-2.10.4.jar
14.03.2019 02:10 78'715 crowd-integration-client-rest-2.10.4.jar
14.03.2019 02:10 9'482 crowd-integration-seraph-2.10.4.jar
My questions are:
1. Do I have to manually update this crowd integration client?
2. Could the version mismatch possibly be the reason for +8 seconds on initial page loads?
Thanks for any help or suggestions