Crowd username bulk change

sm.park September 2, 2021
I want to bulk change the user name of Crowd user.
Attempted to change username using update user of crawd rest api, but got error 'ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT'. Is there a good way?

1 answer

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sm.park September 5, 2021

I solved this problem.
can use the rename user restapi.

Mugilan Sukumar April 18, 2022

Kindly send me the rest api link which one you used

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 20, 2022

Hi @Mugilan Sukumar,

It will depend on you're Crowd version, but sm likely used

POST /rest/usermanagement/1/user/rename

Refer to the documentation here: 

Take care,

Shannon | Atlassian Community Support

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