Bulk update usernames in crowd without using REST API

Rupa Jain June 5, 2019

Is there a way to Bulk update usernames in crowd without using the REST API?

Is it advisable to make the change directly to the crowd Database? If yes what tables would get impacted or what should be the procedure used in this scenario?

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Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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June 5, 2019

Why not use the REST API? It's the right way to do this sort of thing. It's no more difficult to use than writing a script to edit the database.  I would not recommend hand editing the database.

See this Improvement request for the details on how to do it in the REST API. The Jira REST docs give examples on how to manipulate the API using curl. This same method works for Crowd. It's easy to write a script with a loop to walk a list of users and make this kind of change.  We do this regularly for our clients.

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