Adding users to Crowd from a AD directory

Quin Kan July 13, 2017


I am new to Atlassian.

In Crowd, we have created a Directory (called it D), that is "Delegated authentication directory", and that is tied to our Microsoft Active Directory.

When I do a "Add user" to D, it shows a screen with fields for email address, user name, password ...

I thought we can just search the user, by email say, and add them to D.

With password is being a required field, does it that only the users themselve can add themselve to D, and we as admin cannot add users?

Or there is a way to add users or import users from the Microsft Active Directory without knowing the users' password?

Thank you


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Lars Olav Velle
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July 15, 2017

I`ll start with a question. What are you using Crowd to? (Why are you using Crowd?)



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