sidebar translation in french

Mohamadou Mballo
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June 16, 2015


I use confluence 5.6.5 and i have configured all in french.

On side bar menu, the elements are not translate.

for example : sidebar.main.configure.edit.tip is translate only on english and never in french.

I have add-on Confluence-5.6.5-language-pack-fr_FR.jar but it's not work fine.

Can you help us please.





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Thiago Zandona
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June 16, 2015

HI Mohamadou,

I could not find anything related as known issue for your Confluence version regarding translation. Have you tried to uninstall and install the translation add-on again? Also, have you tried below translation add-on? (Free for Server installations):

Maybe it will fit more with your needs.



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