show related pages using Related Labels Macro

EtienneD December 29, 2022


At the bottom of a page I need to list all the pages sharing the same labels, ideally sorted by labels (i.e. label1: liste of pages bearing label1 and so on).

The Related Labels Macro gives me the labels but doesn't show the name, but gives me a link to the pages. Not bad except that I want to see a direct link to the related pages.

The Content Report Table (and the Navigation Map Macro as well) gives me almost what I want, except that to use the macro I need to list manually the labels in the macro in edit mode which prevents to make the listing dynamic both ways (when a page with the same label is added It will appear in the list, but nothing will change if I add a label to my page, unless I manually add that label in the macro as well. Way too heavy for my writers...)

A mix of both would be ideal...

I guess I'm missing a very simple thing, but I'm stuck with this for several hours now... 

Thanks for your help

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Brant Schroeder
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January 1, 2023

@EtienneD The related labels macro is the only way to dynamically show the content you would like.  If it is not displaying in a format that you are happy with there is not a way to really change it.  Since you are on server you could always try and use CSS to hide or change the format of elements that are already being displayed.  I am also not aware of any apps in the marketplace that show this information.

EtienneD January 2, 2023

@Brant Schroeder thanks for your answer.

However I'm able to tweak CSS and I doubt my Confluence admin will spent time on that.

Do you know  if there's a 3rd party app that could list the related pages the way I want ?

label1 | link to page with label1 #1

label1 | link to page with label1 #2

label1 | link to page with label1 #3

label2 | link to page with label1 #1

label2 | link to page with label1 #2

and so on ?

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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January 3, 2023

@EtienneD I am not aware of any apps that provide that functionality.

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