search settings in confluence 3.5.6

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October 13, 2015

Hi  Everyone,

i want to limit  the search functionality in confluence. By default results are coming from all spaces, all content. I want to limit it as the result should come from one  space and  from pages only not from attachment,blog, comment etc. Is  there any admin settings or back end ways  (database) ways to achieve it. I know we can filter the results after the results came,I want to limit it from the first page  itself. 

Thank you



2 answers

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Paul LaBarbera October 13, 2015

I'm not sure if this is available in 3.5.6... but you could probably hack something up using the LiveSearch macro, which is parameterized in the exact way you're asking.

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Rodrigo Girardi Adami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 13, 2015

hi team,

I've checked the Confluence search syntax documentation and I couldn't locate any mention to limit the search results from specific spaces and contents. I do believe this is not possible by default.

I'll leave this question open as such some other person/developer might know if this is possible to implement.



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