refinedtheme's "Space Layout" configuration page gone blank after upgrade

Cédric Bouvier
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December 7, 2015


After upgrading the RefinedTheme plugin to 4.2.19, the "Space Layout" tab in its configuration shows a mostly blank page: only the warning "To store attachments and permissions, RefinedTheme uses a special space called RefinedWiki Layout Space. Do not remove or edit this space since it is essential for dashboards and space layouts to work properly." on a blueish background, and nothing else.

Anyone has an idea what may be causing this?

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Maria Heij [Refined]
December 7, 2015

Hello Cedric

We have taken a look at your question and we have been able to recreate this. Please have a look at this ticket: where you will find updates as we update this. 

Let us know if you have any questions!

Best Regards, 

Maria Heij,

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