popup window for label

Dmytro Deliiev April 12, 2023


Can the system admin or somebody else with permissions somehow modify a label, to create a popup window with information about the label when hoovering it?
Cases examples:

As a user, I read tech documentation with labels and want to find more info. I hoover the label and see a popup window with the definition of the label so that I can find out if this label is relevant to my search.

As a tech writer, I fill in a confluence page and want to put a label for it. I see several pretty similar labels and doubt which one to choose.  I hoover a label and see a popup window with a definition. I don't want to spend time trying out all labels and reading all pages under them.

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Brant Schroeder
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July 29, 2023

@Dmytro Deliiev There is nothing delivered that would meet this need.  I am not aware of any apps in the marketplace either.  

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