favorites not display content

lign gu
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November 13, 2023

"Domain name + # starred in" the path to access the favorites not display content, but 'domain name + / users/viewmyfavourites action' this access can display all contents of the path, what reason is this?

1 answer

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haneryyy November 14, 2023

The issue is with favorites not displaying content. Accessing through "Domain name + # starred in" doesn't show content, but 'domain name + /users/viewmyfavourites action' does. Possible reasons include path configuration, access permissions, URL encoding, browser cache, and compatibility. Investigate these aspects to resolve the issue.

lign gu
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 16, 2023

Thank you very much for your reply.
We are currently experiencing some issues, including the aforementioned access to some pages from different paths, some with expected content, some with blank space. Moreover, there was also an exception when we searched in confluence. We could not find the corresponding article according to the keywords, which brought great inconvenience in our daily work.
In response to the problem, we have checked the log of the service, and there is a mention that there is an unrecognized error in reading the cache. We have clarified the cache of the service, restarted the service, but the problem is not solved.
The browser has been cleared, replaced, permissions have not changed, run for a long time this problem

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