Why do I now have to press TAB to tag a person in a Comment, in other places I can press ENTER?

Deleted user August 28, 2015

Here is the scenario. While in the JIRA Agile Board and doing our Sprint Planning we update our Issues (Stories, Tasks and Subtasks). We use the Comments to tag people to do stuff. The behaviour is however inconsistent.

  1. If while viewing the Agile Board and in the Subtask preview pane on the right I click on the Comment button under Comments I can tag a user by typing eg. "@kevin". It will find the user and I can press ENTER or TAB and it will complete the hyperlinked name.
  2. If I open the Issue, ie. have it full screen (not Edit) by clicking on the Issue number and then click on the Comment button and type eg. "@kevin" it finds the user but pressing ENTER merely goes to a new line, it does not complete the hyperlinked name. However pressing TAB will autocomplete it correctly.
  3. We also use Confluence. Adding a Comment to Confluence and tagging a user eg. "@kevin" it merely removes the full name, Pressing ENTER however works. This behaviour is completely opposite to how it behaves in JIRA as above.

Suggested fix: Allow ENTER or TAB to be used in all three scenarios above.


2 answers

0 votes
Deleted user December 14, 2015

Is there no response from Atlassian on this? How do I get this onto a future enhancement request wishlist?


0 votes
Deleted user September 11, 2015


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