Why are the macro names not displaying in edit mode?

Alice April 16, 2021

The macros in our confluence instance are not displaying the macro type (name of macro in the title of the edit box) during editing.


So if there are several macros on a confluence page, the macros box is just a grey box. You cannot see which type of macro it is without editing the macro.

We have tried the following:

  1. Check confluence settings for any errors
  2. Check using different browsers (the problem is the same in any browser)
  3. Checked for confluence bugs for version 7.0.4 (nothing found)
  4. Restarted the confluence instance
  5. Cleared the cache
  6. Error occurred even if the Add-ins were deactivated (Scroll)
  7. Checked confluence logs for any indication of problem – nothing found

We don’t know where else to look for the source of the problem.

Any ideas?



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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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April 21, 2021

@Alice when did this start happening? Did you do an upgrade or something else on the instance that could have impacted it?

Alice April 22, 2021

This is quite a new instance of Confluence. I'm pretty sure we've had this problem from the beginning.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 22, 2021
Alice April 27, 2021

Thanks for the tip... but that didn't help either.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 27, 2021


I would suggest submitting a support issue here:  https://support.atlassian.com/contact/

You will be able to provide them with a support zip and they will be able to review logs and see what the issue might be.  

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