Using 5.6.3, getting blank page content when I try to edit. Other pages work fine.

Joseph VanQuakebeke July 17, 2015

On a single page, I cannot edit the page content.  I can see the page title and the text controls and the frame for the content but it is blank and I cannot put in any text or see existing text.  

If I make a copy, I can see the content and edit but once I save, I have the same issue.  

I tried to restore an old version and the issue is still happening.  If I go to the page parent, I can edit just fine.  

I have not tried a restore on a test system of last nights backup.  That is my next step.  Has any one seen this before?  If yes, was their a fix?




2 answers

0 votes
Joseph VanQuakebeke July 17, 2015

We got this fixed by finding a person who could edit the page and make a new line.  Then everyone else could edit the page fine.  Not sure why 1 persion could edit but no one else could, but this is fixed now.



0 votes
Joseph VanQuakebeke July 17, 2015

Just to add more information.  I have had this happen in IE8, IE11, Firefox, and Chrome and cleared the cache in all the different browsers.

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