Upgrading an evaluation license to Confluence Software Teams.

jagdeesh kumar
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August 2, 2018


Got an evaluation license of Confluence Software Teams. 

The trial period is for 30 days (extended to 90day).

Ex : trail period start from  jan1-2018 and end at jan30-2018

jan1-2018 to jan30-2018

Now we have purchased the Confluence Software Teams server edition.

So if update the evaluation  lincense to actual license,  will actual license start from the date of update. or will it include the evaluation period.

Ex : 

With license update including evaluation :

Jan31 3018 to jan 31 3019

Ex :  

With license update excluding evaluation :

Feb-1-2018 to Feb-1 2019

Thanks in advance


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Danyal Iqbal
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August 2, 2018

It does not include the evaluation period. Check your license details in https://my.atlassian.com/product

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