Time management / user time requests

John-Paul Kelly
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September 7, 2011

I have a need for a simple to use interface for requesting time of employees and reporting on it. The basics are: Another department (A) requires personnel from Department B. Department A should be able to submit a request for the group belonging to Department B (or on an individual user level) that request should then flow through to the manager, who is able to approve/reject. Approvals should then somehow be able to be A) Tracked through team calendars and/or integrate directly into exchange.

I've considered looking at JIRA and a few plug ins for confluence, but it's really overkill as we are not dealing with software development.

Is there functionality available to accomplish this as a plug in somewhere? Does Team Calendars support this?

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Kevin Buchs
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September 7, 2011

You could probably do something simple with Scaffolding and Reporting plug-ins. It would depend on the organization required. However, integration to calendars or, especially, Exchange, may be a challenge. JIRA could give a similar level of capability as using Scaffolding and Reporting in Confluence.

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