TOC and anchors don't work on longer pages on Chrome or Edge

Sondra Menthers September 10, 2018

1. Created TOC using the Insert Table of Contents macro.  

  • Links do NOT jump down to the desired page positions.  Right clicking to open in a new tab DOES work.
  • Tested Chrome and Edge.  Same problems.
  • Tried work arounds I found in the community.  Nothing works. 

2. Created TOP anchor to jump to top of page using Insert- other macros - anchor and the  control K link #top link.

  • Links do NOT jump up to the desired page positions.  Right clicking to open in a new tab DOES work.
  • Tested Chrome and Edge.  Same problems.
  • Tried work arounds I found in the community.  Nothing works. 


3 answers

0 votes
Sondra Menthers September 12, 2018

Confirmed that this particular page does not work on IE, Edge or Chrome.  Anchors and tocs work on other pages on Chrome. 

0 votes
Sondra Menthers September 12, 2018



Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 14, 2018


Thank you for confirming that.

Confluence 5.9.12 has reached End of LifeI wouldn't recommend running this version at this time. It may be that this issue has already been resolved, so please try to upgrade to 6.0.* or more recent.

If you want to do some tests prior to upgrading, my recommendation is as follows:

  1. Ensure that there are no special characters in the title of the page, and be sure that the TOC macro isn't being wrapped in a 3rd party add-on (to ensure this wouldn't affect the macro from working).
  2. Remove any customizations. We want to confirm it's actually the length of the page causing the issue.
  3. You can try to split the page up into smaller pages to check if that resolves the issue.

Let me know if you have any questions.



0 votes
Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 12, 2018

Hi Sondra,

Can you confirm your Confluence version so I can test this out?

You specify it doesn't work in Chrome or Edge, so can you confirm that it does indeed work in Firefox and IE 11? 

Thank you!


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