Page tree name

Dave Phillips November 5, 2018

Can you rename "Page tree" to something else above the links to the pages?

2 answers

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Sireesha Dugginapeddi [Appfire]
Rising Star
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November 5, 2018

Hi @Dave Phillips,

Yes you can! But, you need Admin privileges to do so.

I found this work around and this should help you. Say for example you wish to rename it to 'Dave's Page' -

  1. Go to Confluence Administration > Look and Feel > Stylesheet.
  2. Insert the following:
/* Hide the sidebar default "PAGE TREE" heading label and display an alternate one. */ 
.page-tree .label { font-size: 0; }
.page-tree .label:before { content: "Dave's Page"; font-size: 12px; }



Dave Phillips November 5, 2018

Thank you Sireesha, I will give that try. Will this impact all spaces or just the one I make the update to?

Sireesha Dugginapeddi [Appfire]
Rising Star
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November 5, 2018

Yes @Dave Phillips! This should impact all the spaces, unless any space owner overwrites the stylesheet for their own space. Which also means, even if you are not an Admin, you can modify the 'Page Tree' label for your own space, by navigating to Space Tools > Look and Feel > Stylesheet and inserting the code mentioned earlier.

I just verified this and it works! :)


Dave Phillips November 30, 2018

Hi @Sireesha Dugginapeddi [Appfire] I only want this to impact one space we have and not all of them. How do I specify just for one space?

Sireesha Dugginapeddi [Appfire]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 30, 2018

@Dave Phillips,

You can insert the same CSS I shared earlier in the stylesheet of this specific space you want the impact in. Go to Space Tools > Look and Feel > Stylesheet and insert the same piece of CSS.


Dave Phillips November 30, 2018

Perfect. I'll give it a try when I can get assistance from our Sys Admin. Thank you so much for your help @Sireesha Dugginapeddi [Appfire]

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Davin Studer
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 5, 2018

Another option to do this would be  the  InProduct translation for Confluence add-on. You can change the text with that as well.

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