Page Content Translates to English

Şükran Demirçalı
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January 18, 2023



The page content changes from Turkish to English when updating the page and it has happened on three different  pages. We're triying to understand how this happened.

We controlled users default language and these are "Automatically detect browser setting". Browsers default language is English. 

We tried to use browser's Chrome translater add-on. When we were in editting mode, we translated the page to English with this add-on. It took too long when we tried to publish.  It turned to Turkish after it was publish. 


We don't know how the page content is translated into English.

Can you help with this?




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Dave Mathijs
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January 18, 2023

Hi @Şükran Demirçalı ,

This is probably done by the browser and can/should be disabled on that level.

Setting the default language

  1. Administrators can define a default language to be applied to all spaces in your Confluence site.
  2. Individual users can select a language preference for their session.

Other settings that affect the language

Individual users can choose the language that Confluence will use to display screen text and messages. Note that the list of supported languages depends on the language packs installed on your Confluence site.

The language used for your session will depend on the settings below, in the following order of priority from highest to lowest:

  • The language preference defined in your user profile. Note that you need to be logged in for this setting to take effect.
  • The language that you choose by clicking an option at the bottom of the Confluence login screen. Confluence stores this value in a cookie. When the cookie expires, the setting will expire too. 

  • The language set in your browser. The browser sends a header with a prioritized list of languages. Confluence will use the first supported language in that list. Confluence administrators can disable this option by setting the confluence.browser.language.enabled system property to false

  • The default language for your site, as defined by your Confluence site administrator. 

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