Office Connector not allowing people to save

Phillip Gibson September 7, 2018

We recently upgraded Confluence and moved the server behind an Apache SSL Proxy.  Everything works to include Collaborative Editing with one big exception.  If I select an Excel Spreadsheet (or any Microsoft Product) then click "Edit", the Spreadsheet downloads just fine and opens up but once I make my changes to the file and click "Save" I get an error that the upload failed.  I can save the file local and upload it directly to confluence (as a new file), but the Office Connector is not working.


As I said, this is behind a Proxy.  Prior to us upgrading to the recent Confluence version this worked, but we were not behind a Proxy (We couldn't get Collaborative Editing working behind a Proxy before).  Is there something special we need to configure to get this working again.  I looked through all the Proxy/SSL settings you guys have in your knowledge base, but none of the stuff I found seemed to work.  


Also, only 80/443 are allowed in to the external facing Proxy (do we need to open more ports?).

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 10, 2018

Hi Phillip,

I've had a lot of success troubleshooting collaborative editing with this article:

You'll want to also make sure port 8091 is available, and from there, there's also a proxy section you'll want to pay close attention to.

Have a good look at that, and if you have any issues, please let us know. It would help if you can have a look at the Confluence server logs and tail them in order to see what the error message is exactly.



Phillip Gibson September 10, 2018

Collaborative editing works fine, it's the Office Connector that isn't allowing people to save their files.  

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 11, 2018

My apologies, Phillip, I see you were just mentioning that it wasn't working before.

So Office Connector was discontinued and we're now using something called Companion App as of 6.11.0.

Could you confirm which version you're on and if you are indeed using Companion App?



Phillip Gibson September 12, 2018

We are on Confluence 6.9.0 and do not have the Companion App installed.

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 13, 2018

Thank you, Phillip.

Let's proceed by going over the page Troubleshooting Read-Only problems in the Office Connector.

Review the troubleshooting document and complete all steps mentioned, and if you don't have any luck, then please provide the details from the Office Connector Limitations and Known Issues under Support and Troubleshooting.

Thank you for your help!



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