Need Confluence users licenses separate from JIRA user licenses

Alyson Crabtree
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August 29, 2018

We have just switched from 250 JIRA and Confluence licenses to 100 for JIRA and 10 for Confluence. We had Confluence user license seats validated based on whether or not they are in the jira-software-users. Now, we need to separate them. 

When I spoke with Atlassian during the license change purchase, they said that this was pretty straightforward and to just contact you for help. 

I'm ready for that help. What steps do I need to take?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 29, 2018

Create a new group with a good name (like confluence-users).  Put your 10 users (or up to 10) into the group. 

Go into Confluence -> Admin -> global permissions

Add your new group to "can use confluence" and rremove the "jira users" group from it (and any others)

Alyson Crabtree
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 29, 2018

Thank you!

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