Hey ..
What i thought would be simple has become challenging !!
THere is a requirement to display all the Linked/Depends on issues of each EPIC and the ask is to display each of them in a separate row ..
T1 has the Linked/depends on issues of T2
So the page before ask:
The expected page is to display each of the Linked issues in a separate row in a Confluence:
Now, tried using a Table Transformer but it is not fetching all the Linked/Depends on Issues of the EPIC .. it picks and displays some but not all ...
while the logic is simple like
T1 JOIN T2 ON (T1.LinkedIssues= T2.Key)
still it dint return all the Linked/Depends on issues .. given the T2 has some 2000+ records i doubt that the Transform logic is only validating the first 1000 records and displaying the result but not the entire 2000+ records count ..
your thoughts !! .. please ..