Link to section heading within same page

Stephen Kairys July 16, 2024


Is there a way to navigate to a particular section in a page e.g.,

Click here for info on updating vendors, where "here" is a link to the section heading "Update Vendors".

Configure link within same page.PNG

I know I can manually add an anchor link right before the section title, but would love to be able to avoid that effort.





2 answers

1 vote
Brant Schroeder
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July 16, 2024

@Stephen Kairys 

The only way to do that currently is as you described with an anchor link.  

0 votes
Hans Polder July 16, 2024

@Stephen Kairys ,

Just curious: You mentioned that currently you add an 'anchor link' to the page. From that phrasing, I'm understanding that you use the 'Anchor' macro. Am I correct there?

Screenshot 2024-07-17 070911.png


Since you're also referring to 'the section title', I'm assuming that you also might have some 'headings' in use. If that's the case, you can grab an anchor link from the View-version of the page, when hovering over the heading you want to 'anchor' to:

Screenshot 2024-07-17 071045.png

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