Like and comment count by people and space

Hsu Yao Chang September 16, 2015

Dear all, 

Would it be possible to count how many likes and comment by people and space ? Our confluence is version 4.2.1 . Thank you.


2 answers

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Rodrigo Girardi Adami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 17, 2015

Hi Hsu,

I believe that you can retrieve the number of likes from the users in the table "Likes". This is an example query that will count all likes in the entire confluence for all users:

select count(*), l.username
from likes l
group by l.username;

You can modify the query for your needs.

I hope this helps!



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Luiz Maia
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 17, 2015


Unfortunately there's not a method on Confluence to count this information. However, for comments, you can check through the database, using the below query:

SELECT * FROM content WHERE contenttype LIKE 'COMMENT'


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