LDAP Integration doesn't seem to remove users

Marco van der Heide
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July 10, 2011


We've introduced a full LDAP integration from our Windows Active Directory to our Confluence application running on RHEL. We use no Crowd application for this integration as there are not so much users (roughly 400). All users are synced without problems.

Recently we've noticed that when you remove users from the Active Directory they are not removed from Confluence.

What could be the reason for this? Is it possible to change the behaviour so users are removed from Conlfuence?

Thanks in advance,

Marco van der Heide

The Netherlands.

1 answer

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David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
July 10, 2011

Which version of Confluence are you using?

I believe that there are updates in Confluence 3.5.5 & 3.5.6 which may help with syncing if you're on an older version.

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