Is It possible to embedde a google spredsheet in Confluence page as a read-only files?

Sudheer Kumar Vempala August 1, 2018

 I am using Iframe macro to embedde a google spreadsheet on to the confluence page.

I would like make sheet as a read-only file In confluence. I have tried page restictions but not helpful.

Is It possible to reastict the embedded files in read-only mode. the lies with In users where I need to restrict the edit permissions to some of the users not all the users acessing page.

Any help appreciated.

embedded page.PNG



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Danyal Iqbal
Rising Star
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August 1, 2018

It is not possible to do this by default. You can restrict users who have access to this page but there is no read-only falg as far as I know. However, you can disable editing from google docs. If you are using 'file > publish to web...' in Google Docs, people won't be able to edit your document anyway. Docs Help (see 'How published files look when you share them'). see example

or following workaround to disable mouse events on the iframe:

iframe { pointer-events: none; }

or as an inline style...

<iframe style='pointer-events: none;'></iframe>
Sudheer Kumar Vempala August 1, 2018

Thank you @Danyal Iqbal

locking the iframe helps here.

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