In Confluence 5.8.13 what happened to the Thread Dump admin item?

Don Gamble October 22, 2015

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Generating a Thread Dump

Confluence Docs say that there is a Thread Dump in the Admin. I've used it in the past, but now it seems to be gone?

2 answers

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Don Gamble October 22, 2015

Can you make a note that the current documentation is therefore wrong.


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William Zanchet [Atlassian]
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October 22, 2015

Hi Don,

Yes, I could confirm that we took the Thread dump option from the administration panel. Basically the way that Confluence was generating the Thread dump wasn't useful, the majority of the Thread dump readers won't read it. So we took it off.

The best way to generate a Thread dump is through this documentation:



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