Images broken after upgrade to 8.5.2 (still broken in 8.5.3) but only for some

Mårten Woxberg November 20, 2023

When we upgraded to 8.5.2 some of the GUI-images got broken, but it seems it's limited to some users only.

This is only an example, the GUI images are broken in more places


Take the image for Attachments for example. The path for me is: /confluence/s/g6wbeg/9012/tu5x00/_/download/resources/confluence.extra.attachments/icons/icon-attachments.png

My colleague who works in the same installation of Confluence lacks the /confluence/ of the path, 


and if I remove that. It Works !!! 

But WHY does Confluence generate /confluence/ in my path and not my colleague

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Dan Breyen
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November 20, 2023

Hi @Mårten Woxberg I found this Confluence Knowledge Article which seems to be your issue.  It appears to be related to the system cache. broken-avatars-icons-in-confluence-after-an-upgrade-due-to-corrupted-cache 

It might be worth reviewing, that also has an explanation for the different URL.

Hope that helps.

Mårten Woxberg November 20, 2023

Yes, I've been following those instructions.

Cleaning the cache doesn't help at all.

The Cache doesn't seem to be the problem since Confluence generates different URLs for me and my colleague

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