I would like to include certain content(synchronised)of one page to another page.

Tanvi Gulati November 27, 2018



How can i add content in PageB & Page C? i tried to use exclude and include macros, but it includes the full content of Page A. However i would like to distribute it to different pages & add more columns to the table.


Any pointers please?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 27, 2018

To get more columns in the table, add them.

To include a part of a page in another page, try the include-excerpt macro instead of include

Tanvi Gulati November 27, 2018

Thanks for replying.

include-excerpt, only adds the first part of your page, so for Page C for an example- it will only include Table1, doesn't give me possibility to add just Table 2.

Also i cannot add any new column while using include-excerpt macro.

Tanvi Gulati November 27, 2018

@Nic : Any other suggestions or way around?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 27, 2018

No, because these do what you're asking.  Excerpt include includes part of a page.

I don't understand what you mean by "can not add new column" - try editing the page with the table on it, and click "add new column"

Tanvi Gulati November 30, 2018

Hey @Nic Brough -Adaptavist-Nic: you can see in the video- page A with three tables, which i tried to include in page B.

It only inserts the first table

Also i cannot add any other column, to the table added.


Hope that helps to explain the issue.


Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 1, 2018

The video doesn't work.

But it sounds like you are not wrapping the excerpt around all the data you need.

As for adding columns, my only guess is that you're trying to edit the displayed data, not the source.  Try editing the source.

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