How to show the parent link summary title on wiki page?

Bea Tea August 31, 2023

When I load a filter or JQL table onto a wiki page, the "parent link" only shows JIRA-1234. How can I get it to show the title instead?

When I load a filter on a Jira Dashboard, the "parent link" correctly shows the JIRA-1234 - Title .

2 answers

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Gerald Meier March 8, 2024

I solved this one with the table transformer macro using a custom SQL function:

T2.'Summary' as 'Parent',
ON T1.'Parent Link' = T2.'Key'

In the transformer macro you put two jira macros, the first one should show the "children issues". The second one should have all the possible parents.
The table transformer is quite mighty, you could even change the layout of the cell containing the parent name.

Gerald Meier March 8, 2024

Make sure that you set the view limits on the jira macros right as only the results visible will be used by the table transformer!

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Sayed Bares _ServiceRocket_
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August 31, 2023

@Bea Tea You will need to add Parent field into your Jira filter macro in Confluence by clicking on Edit > Display options > Under "Columns to display" add "Parent" field.

Upon adding the field you should be able to see the parent summary.

Bea Tea August 31, 2023

That doesn’t work in confluence it only shows the issue I’d and not the summary

Sayed Bares _ServiceRocket_
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August 31, 2023

@Bea Tea can you share a screenshot of your macro configuration and the result you are seeing in Confluence?

Gerald Meier March 6, 2024

I want to do the same, but there is no "Parent" field in the "Columns to display". Apparently I am on an older system see:

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