How to import users from a Crowd'ed Confluence to non-Crowd'ed Confluence?

ZillaYT May 4, 2017

My company is moving to a single Confulence instance. We're trying to move users from a Crowd'ed Confluence to a non-Crowd'ed Confluence instance. How can I do tis with having to mnually create users/groups in the non-Crowd setup and mimic them in the Crowd setup?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 4, 2017

One way would be to:

  1. Export the users from Crowd to CSV (How Do I Generate a CSV Export of Users, and Memberships From a Specific Directory in Crowd?)
  2. Import them into the destination instance via this plugin: User Management Util - Bulk User Upload
ZillaYT May 4, 2017


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