How do I hide the mouseover chain copy icon?

Aaron Castor-Katz
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August 14, 2024

The Context

Confluence recently added a mouseover icon that pops up when you put your cursor near a line in edit mode.

Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 11.04.57 AM.png

The question

How do I disable this icon?  I'm not an admin (and I shouldn't need to be one) - I just don't want to see this icon when I'm editing pages.

The problem

This icon is placed in exactly the wrong spot.  That's where I always go to click when I want to position my cursor at the end of a line.  And, if I have something in my copy/paste buffer that I'm trying to insert, it gets replaced by the link to the line.  Which I didn't want to put in my copy/paste buffer.

This interrupts my workflow, forcing me to go back and copy whatever it was I previously copied.  While this may seem like a minor inconvenience, it's incredibly annoying, it can be hard to find the copied object (it's common for people to have dozens of tabs open across multiple windows open across multiple desktops, all at one time, and you just forced me to go searching through tabs to find what I had just painstakingly located and copied).  It also results in me trying to find a solution for this bad UI design, further interrupting my workflow.  

And this happens all the time.  The trap nature of the UI makes it trivially easy to forget that this feature exists - a feature I do not want and do not intentionally use, and therefore should not have to waste brainpower to remember it's there so that I can actively avoid it when it tries to trap me.

Confluence Suggestion

The onmouseover nature of the icon is problematic in itself - it's not responsive UI, it's trap ui - it traps the user who sees the UI into believing it's safe to perform an action (move the mouse to that location and click) and instead traps them into copying a link into their buffer.  If this feature were actually desired, it should be moved outside the editable area - into a border, preferably to the left of the heading, in the whitespace area where nobody can edit.  This, at least, would remove the trap nature of the UI feature.

And it should always show, not just show when the user mouses over the area where the icon would appear.


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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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August 14, 2024

I tested this on one of my cloud instances I am seeing mostly the same behavior, however with a twist of the type of link, if it is a document link I don't get the link icon, I get a pop up with the link icon and a couple of other options.

I must have missed the announcement that this behavior was "improving".

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